Brick saw

"\n\n\tFor cutting of track in lintels and cutting of shells placed in cutting boxes.\nFeed path will be made as a double 4\" chain conveyor mounted closely with plastic plates for formation of an unbroken surface.\nCutting\u00a0axle will be made with a spline and belonging bush for mounting of diamantdisc to\u00a0permit quick...
Brick machine

"\n\n\tIn a cooperation with a danish customer Fr. Petersen has sold and delivered a special solution for automation of wall elements.\nThe concept was designed for manufacturing of inner walls where a CAD program delivers the electronical data, that the \"brick-robot\" solution subsequently performs.\nThe finished elements have water shed finish, inclusive...
Grip arrangement for robots

"\n\n\tIn\u00a0a cooperation with Automatic Syd and Nyb\u00f8l Smede- og Maskinfabrik, Fr. Petersen\u00a0has manufactured grippers and other types of equipment for robot systems based on customer related tasks.\u00a0\n\n[\/siteorigin_widget]"